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HEXTAR王子铭 掌控26上市公司 HEXTAR's Dato' Eddie Ong Choo Meng controls 26 listed companies (2024-01-03 更新 / updated)

  updated shareholding info as 3 Jan 2024: 03.160% APEX(5088) as at 31 Mar 2023 03.820% CHGP(7187) as at 31 Mar 2023 01.991% CHINHIN(5273) a...

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马哈迪亲手栽培出来的马来朋党,多如过江之鲫,其中最为人所知的就有前财政部长敦达因再努丁;前玲珑集团主席丹斯里哈林沙厄;前马航主席丹斯里达祖丁南利;前多元资源主席已故丹斯里耶哈也阿末;宾纳良集团掌舵人阿南达克利斯南;Land & General主席丹斯里旺阿兹米;AMBANK主席丹斯里阿兹曼哈欣等等;当然,华裔朋党也有丹斯里陈志远,丹斯里李金友;丹斯里陈伯勤等等。








他首先动刀的,就是将《新经济政策》(New Economy Plan简称NEP)改头换面;一分为二。利用NEP的外衣来实行《国家发展政策》(National Development Plan简称NDP)和《国家宏愿政策》(National Vision Plan简称NVP)。







马哈迪也通过一系列私营化计划,将许多国有企业转让给朋党,这些国有企业,大多数都是垄断性的独市生意;比如马电讯Telekom,国家能源Tenaga Nasional,马来西亚国际船务MISC,马来亚铁道公司KTM,马来西亚邮政公司POS Malaysia,各州水务局Bekalan Air,国家稻米局Bernas,国内各大港务局,各大龙头银行。。。。统统交由朋党掌控。
















事实上,即使是华裔商家,在面对经济风暴的时候也不是每一个都能脱困的;并非每个华商都像大众银行的郑鸿标,云顶集团的林梧桐,杨忠礼集团的杨忠礼,嘉里集团的郭鹤年那样可以乘风破浪,谈笑用兵的。很多华商一样受到严重冲击,更何况是只学到皮毛的so called土著《企业奇才》?


































Tun Daim Zainuddin

马鲁里集团前任执行主席(Maluri Bhd)

城市发展局前任主席(UDA Bhd)

国库控股前任主席(Khazanah Holding Bhd)



达因(Tun Daim Zainuddin)(1938年4月29日)来自吉打州,父亲是一名公务员。他是极少数能够考取英国林肯学院法律学士文凭的马来精英份子。








1971年,在得到雪州大臣哈伦协助,批准他在吉隆坡焦赖一块占地160英亩的土地发展花园住宅区的有利条件之下,他成立马鲁里有限公司(Syarikat Maluri Sdn Bhd),发展蕉赖马鲁里花园,取得巨大成功。达因持有这家发展公司60%股权。



达因一手调教出来的朋党企业家当中,最着名的有丹斯里旺阿兹米(Wan Azmi Bin Wan Hamzah, Chairman of Land & General Bhd);丹斯里哈林沙厄(Halim Bin Saad,Chairman of Renong Bhd & UEM Bhd);丹斯里森苏丁(Samsuddin Bin Abu Hassan, Chairman of Landmark Holding Bhd)。



当年UMBC Bank的全名《United Malayan Banking Corporation》曾被极端的马来政棍曲解成为《Untuk Melayu Bukan Cina》。陈群川领导的马化控股原本已经收购了合众银行40%股权,碍于形势,只得以物物交换方式,将40%的大型合众银行股权向达因换取了小型的法国银行股权。马化在巫统强权之下吃了大亏,达因则捡了一个大便宜。





在1992年,国家银行豪赌重注在英磅上,买空英磅,而当时的外汇市场主要国际炒家,金融大鳄索罗斯(George Soros)则卖空英镑。



达因金童Daim Golden Boys:丹斯里哈林沙厄


Tan Sri Halim Saad

玲珑集团执行主席(Renong Bhd)

马友乃德控股执行主席(UEM Holding Bhd)

时光工程执行主席(Time Engineering Bhd)

努沙再也发展主席(Nusajaya Land Bhd)


哈林沙厄毕业于霹雳江的沙马来学院,那是一所专门出产马来权贵的高等学府。从英国留学回国的哈林沙厄最初进入巫统控制的英文报业集团--《新海峡时报》(New Straits Times) 管理层任职,在短短3年内即出任首席执行员。

80年代马哈迪的朋党计划开始大力推行,哈林沙厄在达因协助之下创立《玲珑集团》(Renong Bhd);被赋予许多大型发展计划,同时以小蛇吞大象的方式吞并马友乃德工程(United Engineer Malaysia, UEM)。获得政府颁授巨型发展计划合约,兴建从新山开始至北端的黑木山结束,全长880公里的《南北大道》工程。



另外,武吉加里尔国家体育中心(Bukit Jalil National Sport Center)的发展计划,也由玲珑集团一手包办。而新的雪邦国际机场(Kuala Lumpur International Airport)的基建工程也由玲珑集团取得。

玲珑集团同时取得电讯执照创立《时光工程》(Time Engineering Berhad),为政府在全国铺设光纤电缆Fiber Optic,合约总值高达100亿。








Markmore group is privately owned company by Halim Saad after the Renong/UEM era. Sectors involved: 

1. Education

2. Construction

3. Property Development

4. Mineral, Oil & Gas

5. Renewable Energy

6. Telecommunication Infra

7. REIT - Shopping Malls

8. Property and Facilities Management Services

9. Financial - Asset Management Services

10. Agriculture & Aquaculture

After exit of Renong/UEM Group, Halim Saad entered Sumatec Resources Berhad (SUMATEC).

SUMATEC (formerly known as MALAYSIAN GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION BERHAD "MGIC") resumed listing status of  MGIC on 8 September 2003.

3 May 2011 , SUMATEC admitted to into PN17.

Halim Saad became a substantial shareholder of SUMATEC after taken latter shares arising from rights issue with warrants to 154,160,000 shares or 27.16% on 25 Nov 2013.

Halim Saad says before he will increase his stake in Sumatec to 32% at early Sep 2014 as he saw himself is in the company for the long term. But since 18 Jul 2016, he keep disposing his stake until 134,742,000 shares or 3.168%. SUMATEC then delisted from the Official List of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 24 March 2022.

According news report dated late Dec 2022, Halim Saad’s grand plan to list his Kazakhstan-based oil and gas (O&G) production concession holder Caspi Oil Gas LLP on the Nasdaq is finally close to fruition.

Caspi is owned by Halim via his investment vehicle Markmore Energy (Labuan) Ltd ("MELL"), which announced on 23 Dec 2022, it had signed a merger agreement with Nasdaq-listed special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) Liberty Resources Acquisition Corp.

The two parties announced that the definitive business combination agreement, or merger agreement, is effective Dec 15 and will result in Liberty becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of a newly-listed entity (PubCo).

Through a complex restructuring, the resultant amalgamated company (Pubco) ultimately will be Liberty Onshore Energy B.V., which is expected to continue a listing on the Nasdaq.

The exchange filing and announcement, released in the US, stated the transaction is expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2023, subject to review and approval by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The transaction also requires certain approvals under Kazakh law.

The consolidated company will own Caspi’s Rakushechnoye Oil Field, located in West Kazakhstan covering 287 sq km of production ready oil & gas resources.

The field is forecast to produce 1.7 million barrels of oil, 1.8 million barrels of condensate and 12,454,000 MMBTU (One million British Thermal Units) of gas in 2025 and peaking at 16 million barrels of oil, 3.5 million barrels of condensate and 64,279,000 MMBTU of gas in 2028 respectively, and declining thereafter.

The transaction values Caspi at a US$463.7 million (RM2.05 billion) enterprise value, which combined with US$120 million (RM531.5 million) of new financing and Liberty’s US$117 million (RM518.25 million) in its trust account would result in a pro forma enterprise value of US$701 million (RM3.11 billion), the statement said.

It will have a pro forma market capitalisation of approximately US$633 million (RM2.8 billion), assuming a US$10 (RM44.29) per share price and no redemptions by Liberty stockholders.

It will have a pro forma market capitalisation of approximately US$633 million (RM2.8 billion), assuming a US$10 (RM44.29) per share price and no redemptions by Liberty stockholders.

On the height of its era, UEM-Renong Group owns at least 10 listed entities which are:












达因金童Daim Golden Boys:丹斯里达祖丁南利


Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli

马来西亚航空公司执行主席(Malaysian Airline System Bhd)

工艺资源执行主席(Technology Resources Bhd)

纳鲁里控股执行主席(Naluri Holding Bhd)

天地通电讯公司执行主席(Celcom Telecommunication Bhd)



1984年,世界通讯科技发展一日千里,政府发出数张流动数码电讯执照,达祖丁是其中一位获得发给执照的土着企业家之一,他于是创立《工艺资源工业》(Technology Resources Industries Bhd,简称TRI)建设《天地通有限公司》Celcom成为本地流动电话市场的先驱者。

另外,他也通过向政府融资,设立马来西亚直升机服务有限公司( Malaysia Helicopter Services,简称MHS),成为马来西亚最大私人直升机服务团队,专为大企业公司行政人员提供快捷的直升机服务。公司其后易名为《纳鲁里有限公司》(Naluri Bhd)。














国家稽查师后来针对马航进行了详细的调查,发现许多营运上的纰漏。最骇人听闻的是原来达祖丁通过亲戚成立餐饮供应公司,承包马航主要航线的飞机餐供应工作,而一个马来椰浆饭Nasi Lemak套餐,竟然开价RM120!







1994 — Tajudin takes RM1.79 billion in loans from several banks to fund the acquisition of a 32% stake in Malaysian Airline System Bhd (MAS). He also controls TRI Industries Bhd, which owns cellular service provider Celcom.

2001 — Government buys back MAS shares from Tajudin, which he controls via Naluri Bhd at RM8 per share, totalling RM1.79 million. The decision caused an uproar because MAS shares were trading at a much lower value.

Oct 2001 — Danaharta and Tajudin reach a settlement agreement that includes a RM468.18 million haircut.April 2002 — Danaharta terminates the agreement and demands Tajudin pay RM1.61 billion. Danaharta subsequently raises RM717.39 million from the sale of his pledged shares in TRI. It also disposes of his 45% stake in Naluri Bhd.

2002 — MAS lodges police report against Tajudin for allegedly causing the flag carrier to suffer losses in excess of RM8 billion. It alleges that the relocation of MAS’ cargo operations in Amsterdam and Frankfurt to a single hub in Hahn, Germany, has caused losses of between RM10 million and RM16 million a month. When the government took over MAS in 2001, the project was terminated and resulted in a RM300 million arbitration claim against the national carrier.

2003 — Danaharta disposes of TRI which controls Celcom to Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) to reduce Tajudin’s debts

Dec 2005 — The High Court awards summary judgment in favour of Danaharta and two of its subsidiaries against Tajudin for RM589.14 million together with interest at 2% above the base lending rate of Malayan Banking Bhd.

May 2006 — Danaharta commences action to recover the amount outstanding as of Dec 31, 2005 of RM589.14 million.

June 2006 — Tajudin counter-claims for a total of RM13.36 billion in relief from the government, TM, Telekom Enterprise Sdn Bhd and TRI. He also names some 22 individuals in his counter-claim. In his counter-claim, Tajudin contends he is forced to buy MAS by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin.

2009 — On Dec 7, the High Court gives judgment in favour of Danaharta in its claim of RM589.14 million against Tajudin with interest backdated to Jan 1, 2006.

2010 — In January, the Court of Appeal allows Tajudin’s application for stay of execution pending appeal.

March 2011 — Dr Mahathir denied in his autobiography a Doctor in the House; The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that he and Daim had forced Tajudin to acquire 32% in MAS in 1994 for RM1.8 million. “He wanted to swap his Malaysian Helicopter shares (a company with two aircraft) for MAS shares (a company with well over 60 aircraft). The government rejected his plan and asked that he pay in cash instead, which forced him to borrow RM1.8 billion”, he wrote. “He was therefore not coerced by the government to buy the shares, but was forced by his own modest collateral to borrow heavily,” Dr Mahathir wrote in his book.

Aug 11, 2011 — Putrajaya directs all government-linked companies (GLC), including MAS and Danaharta, to cease all suits against Tajudin.

Aug 12, 2011 — Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, who issued the letter to the GLCs, said he had asked the companies to withdraw their suits worth at least RM2 billion to buy time for all parties concerned to reach a win-win agreement. He also said the move could save the government billions in legal claims.

Aug 12, 2011 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said his administration’s intervention in Tajudin’s civil cases should not be viewed as an “out-of-court settlement”.

Aug 17, 2011 — TM and MAS, in filings with Bursa Malaysia, said they received a letter from the government with regard to the withdrawal of suits against Tajudin. However, Atlan Holdings Bhd (which had acquired a controlling stake in Naluri from Danaharta) and Axiata Group Bhd denied they received such a letter.

Aug 18, 2011 — CIMB Group Holdings Bhd told Bursa Malaysia it had yet to receive any letter from the government asking it to “settle out of court” with Tajudin.

Oct 6, 2011 — Nazri, in his written reply to Ipoh Timur MP Lim Kit Siang, said Tajudin had breached Section 131 of Companies Act 1965 for failing to disclose his interest during his tenure in the national carrier. Nazri also said Tajudin had applied to the Attorney-General’s Chambers to postpone the compound against him until the civil action is completed.

Oct 14, 2011 — Case management of suit between Danaharta and Tajudin at the Court of Appeal involving judgment of RM589.14 million. Court fixes case to be heard at the Court of Appeal from Feb 13 to Feb 15, 2012.

Jan 27, 2012 — Tajudin applies to the Court of Appeal to adjourn hearing of case until, stating that he has been requested by Danaharta to do so to enable settlement of the cases to be finalised “out of court”.

Jan 31, 2012 — High Court disallows application for adjournment of cases involving Tajudin and orders that case management (of cases in High Court) to proceed as scheduled on March 8, 2012.


马医生金童Dr M Golden Boys:已故丹斯里耶哈也阿末


the late Tan Sri Yahya Ahmad

多元资源重工业控股执行主席(DRB-Hicom Bhd)

普腾控股执行主席(Proton Holding Bhd)

嘉德控股执行主席(Gadek Holding Bhd)

英德拉哥打控股主席(Intra Kota Holding Bhd)



他后来在马哈迪栽培马来企业家计划下,离开普腾,拿着政府提供的一笔资金,成立《多元资源有限公司》(Diversified Resouces Bhd,简称DRB),接着又收购嘉德控股。一口气控制了两家上市公司。





耶哈也的成功,获得马哈迪赏识,亲自点名由他接手国家汽车工业的发展大计。经过特殊的安排,耶哈也从国库控股(Khazanah Holding)手中收购国家汽车工业的32.9%股权。


但是,事实证明耶哈也始终只是一个理想主义者。他接过国家汽车工业掌舵权后,决定除了日本三菱之外,还跟法国的雪铁龙汽车公司(Citroen)合作,将两款已在欧洲属于过时的车款进行翻新,引进Malaysia,变成Proton的新车款。就是后来销售量奇差的Proton Tiara和Proton Juara。不但无法为Proton带来新局面,反而让它的营业亏损进一步扩大。








1997年3月2日晚上,耶哈也与妻子乘坐了Agusta A109P型直升机回返登嘉楼老家探视病重的母亲,直升机从吉隆坡泗岩沫起飞约30分钟后发生故障,在靠近彭亨州瓜拉立卑(Kuala Lipis)上空发生爆炸坠毁,耶哈也夫妇和机师罹难!提早结束了马来交通大王的传奇故事。








Konsortium Perkapalan Bhd

Perbadanan Nasional Shipping Line Bhd

Malaysian Helicopter Services Bhd

Pernas Bhd

Artwright Holdings Bhd (AHB)

Dataprep Bhd (DATAPRP)

Lion Land Bhd

Chocolate Products Bhd

Transmile Bhd

Diperdana Haulage Bhd (PELIKAN)

PDZ Holding Bhd (PDZ)

San Miguel Corp (Philippine)

Petron Bhd (PETRONM)


除了三子慕克利兹Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir选择从政之外,他的次子莫扎尼马哈迪Tan Sri Mokzani Mahathir及长子米占马哈迪Mizan Mahathir,都在商场上呼风唤雨。



米占马哈迪从英国留学回国之后,曾在香港的Saloman Brothers担任高职。在香港,他结识一位来自印尼富豪家族的华裔女子,后来结婚组织家庭。马哈迪的大媳妇是华人,这是比较鲜为人知的事。


他回国后看中的第一家公司,就是Konsortium Perkapalan Bhd,简称KPB。马来西亚国内只有5家提供集装箱货运服务的船运公司,KPB就是其中之一。论规模,它在国家集装箱公司(Kontena Nasional)和马国际船务(MISC)之后,排名第三。



到了1995年,当KPB在吉隆坡股票交易所上市时,它已经成功从国家企业Pernas手上取得《国家船务公司》(Perbadanan Nasional Shipping Line,简称是PNSL)和《马来西亚直升机服务公司》(Malaysian Helicopter Services)的控制性股权。

成功收购PNSL之后,KPB实力大增。PNSL旗下的船队全部为政府和官联公司所租用;这包括了租借给国家能源公司TNB运载煤炭;租借给吉打水泥公司Kedah Cement运载水泥;租借给柏华惹炼钢厂Perwaja Steel运载生铁;租借给国家稻米局Bernas运载米粮;租借油槽船给了国家石油公司Petronas运载原油。几乎所有的租约都是长期的,而且以美金计算;租金非常丰厚。

米占从拉昔胡申等等本地银行家手中获得大量低息贷款,不断收购其他企业公司,同时通过本身持有的Peringkat Prestasi公司增持KPB的股权。1995年的时候,米占已成为KPB单一最大股东,完全掌控KPB的营运大权。

这段期间,米占大展拳脚,一口气收购国家企业Pernas,同时成为Artwright Holdings Bhd (AHB), Dataprep Bhd (DATAPRP), Lion Land Bhd, Chocolate Products Bhd, Transmile Bhd, Diperdana Haulage Bhd (PELIKAN)和PDZ Holding Bhd (PDZ)的大股东。



由于米占的《太子爷》优势和公司拥有垄断性业务带来丰厚利润;KPB 1996年上市时的发售价为每股RM2.60,一上市股价就冲上每股RM6.00的高位,让持有股权的小股民发了财。

意气风发的米占,这个时候再次高调进行收购以香港为基地的Pacific Basin船务公司。这是一家拥有30艘货运油轮,在纽约纳斯达克Nasdaq上市的大型船务公司。为进一步实现成为国际大企业家的梦想,米占向外国银行借贷了2亿4千万美金用来收购这家船务公司。

据说,当时的米占运用五鬼运财手法,以私人名义和低价进行收购Pacific Basin船务公司,然后左手进右手出,再以高价转卖给自己掌控的KPB公司,从中又赚取了超过2亿佣金。


1997年上半年,他高调提出了收购马来西亚最大船务公司--《马来西亚国际船务》(Malaysia International Shipping Corporation,简称MISC)的计划,进一步朝向实现世界船王的梦想迈进。

他同时放眼欲取得马来西亚最大深水港《西港》Westport (WPRTS)的私营化经营权。这时候KPB的股价已经被炒到每股RM16.00以上。当他宣布收购马国际船务的计划的时候,股价更进一步被哄抬,向每股RM17.00的目标攀升。

在米占构思里,他打算将集装箱公司Diperdana (PELIKAN),砂拉越船务公司PDZ,马国际船务MISC和KPB合并,一统Malaysia海陆运输业江山。Malaysia船王宝座,他坐定了。

为了达成心愿,米占与退休基金局(Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen,简称KWAP)接洽。因为KWAP手上持有MISC的29%股权;米占通过朋党融资计划,已经取得足够的资金;只要成功收购这些股权,MISC就将成为米占的囊中物。

可惜,亚洲经济风暴就在此关键时刻来临。1997年Malaysia股市崩盘,综合指数一路狂泄,股票大幅贬值,马币的国际兑换率也大幅度下跌。从一美元换2.5 马币,快速的贬到一美元兑换RM4.50的局面!


米占在经济风暴的冲击之下,过去所累积的财富瞬间化为乌有!他过去因为收购Pacific Basin而向外国银行举债2亿4千万美金,折算马币,从原本相等于6亿马币的债务,瞬间飙升为10亿8千万!平白无辜的多出4亿8千万的债务来了!




原本是Konsotium Perkapalan Bhd收购Malaysia International Shipping Corporation;谁知道世事如棋,短短半年之内,一场经济风暴就令局势完全逆转,轮到KPB反过来要被MISC收购了!老天爷对马哈迪家族的《经营之神》所开的玩笑,未免太大了!



随着马哈迪下台,米占也逐渐不再成为镁光灯的聚焦点,几乎完全沉静下来。直到宣布通过换股方式收购菲律宾最大的酿酒公司San Miguel显著股权。这项收购行动由于有违回教徒的教规操守而饱受批评,但是米占不为所动。

他随后通过San Miguel集团收购马来西亚益梳石油公司ESSO,属下400多家油站统统改名为《PETRON》;PETRONM同时也宣布取得马航的供应燃油合约,为马航的所有飞机提供燃油服务。看来,米占颇有卷土重来之势。这次《新经济政策》又能让他怎样玩?


Tan Sri Mokzani Mahathir

Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir

current shareholdings:

AVI(8885) 1.05%




Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar

Avenue Capital Resources Bhd 




凯利1976年1月10日出世于中东科威特首都科威特市;当年他的父亲正是马来西亚驻科威特高级外交官。凯利在新加坡完成中学学业,过后前往英国的牛津大学(Oxford University)进修政治与经济哲学;1998年毕业后,进一步考取伦敦大学硕士学位。

学成归国的凯利,曾经短暂担任过新闻从业员,1999年在《经济学人》月刊(The Economist)任职。也在电视清谈节目《Dateline Malaysia》里当过主持人。

2001年,他娶了阿都拉的女儿诺丽(Nori Abdullah)之后,以副首相女婿的身份进入首相署,担任岳父的特别助理。接着在阿都拉于2003年11月30日从马哈迪手中接任首相之后,凯利便成为岳父的副首席机要秘书。













在商场上,凯利污钱的手法也是非常粗糙,最明显的例子就是他通过幕后交易,以低过市场价格,每股RM0.71的低价,总值9百20万元收购二板上市公司ECM Libra Bhd。然后再以2亿8千万的价格将ECM Libra Bhd转手卖给金融公司Avenue Capital Resources Bhd。









Dato' Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak(前马来西亚首相)

Dato' Ahmad Johari bin Tun Abdul Razak


current shareholdings:

ANCOMNY(4758) 0.828%


1:Ancom Bhd---非执行主席

2:Nylex (Malaysia) Bhd---非执行副主席

3:Daiman Development Bhd---非执行主席

4:Tower Real Estate Investment Trust---非执行主席

5:Deutsche Bank (M) Bhd---董事。


Dato' Mohamed Nizam bin Tun Abdul Razak


current shareholdings:

ALRICH(0079) 1.06%

CBIP(7076) 0.97%

EFORCE(0065) 7.83%

HOHUP(5169) 0.71%

MICROLN(0126) 1.16%

PENERGY(5133) 9.11%



1:Hiap Teck Venture Bhd---非执行主席

2:Delloyd Venture Bhd---非执行主席

3:Mamee Double-Decker (M) Bhd---非执行董事

4:Yeo Hiap Seng (M) Bhd---非执行董事

5:Deutshe Bank (M) Bhd---董事

6:DRB-Hicom Bhd---非执行董事

Dato' Mohamed Nazim bin Tun Abdul Razak


current shareholdings:

MICROLN(0126)  0.86%



1:Hong Leong Bank Berhad---非执行主席

2:Hong Leong Islamic Bank Bhd---执行主席

3:Hong Leong Capital Bhd---非执行主席

4:Eng Wah Organization (Singapore) Limited---董事

5:Meru Utama Bhd---执行主席。

Meru Utama Bhd是马航指定的广告公司,专为马航拍摄及安排各种电视电子媒体广告;马航每年拨给这家公司的广告预算超过1千万元,早前与马航续约7年。

Tan Sri Mohamed Nazir bin Tun Abdul Razak


CIMB Bank Bhd Managing Director & CEO

CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd Managing Director & CEO

CIMB Niaga Bhd CEO

CIMB Thai Bhd Managing Director & CEO

CIMB Investment Bank Bhd Managing Director & CEO




他回国后,加入联昌国际银行(Commerce International Merchant Bankers Bhd)成为行政人员,不到10年内便晋升为首席执行长。时为1999年,当年他才不过33岁,是马来西亚有史以来最年轻的银行家。






由于1997年亚洲经济风暴造成的破坏相当巨大,政府有感于本地银行数目过多,财力分散,使得国际货币玩家有机可趁。比如Geogre Soros就把马哈迪玩得团团转。



原本南方银行并不排斥银行合并行动,它在2006年的时候,其实正在于安联银行Alliance Bank Bhd(马化银行的前身)积极谈商合并事宜;但是联昌银行CIMB的强势介入,导致计划生变。


在当时,南方银行每股市场价格为RM4.50,国际投资机构高盛(Goldman Sachs)评估南方银行的实际股值为RM5.00。但是CIMB却只愿意出价每股RM4.25;这和南方银行的意愿相差太大了。






市场传言,如果纳吉在来届全国大选顺利过关,蝉联首相的话,那么,纳西尔接下来的计划就有可能把焦点转向并吞马来亚银行Maybank Bhd;进一步将CIMB的总资产推向突破4千亿大关!成为名副其实的马来西亚金融大王!








Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary

马矿业集团执行主席(Malaysia Mining Corporation Bhd)

国企贸易有限公司主席(Pernas Bhd)

贸易风集团执行主席(Tradewinds Bhd)

马拉科有限公司主席(Malakoff Bhd)

国家稻米有限公司执行主席(Bernas Bhd)

多元资源工艺有限公司执行主席(DRB-Hicom Bhd)

国家汽车工业有限公司执行主席(Proton Bhd)

柔佛港口有限公司(Johor Port Bhd)

Bank Muammalat Bhd主席






赛莫达(1951年12月12日生)来自于吉打州亚罗士打一个中下阶级的家庭,父亲养牛及种菜为生;由于家境不好,赛莫达小学放学就要帮父母亲的忙,在菜园里劳作,到菜市场卖菜,甚至卖过Roti Canai。



1996年,由于赛莫达懂得把握时机,与时任柔佛州务大臣的丹斯里慕尤丁搭上关系,取得了后者信任,将柔佛Tanjung Pelapas港口经营权交给他,从此赛莫达正式成为巫统重点栽培的土着企业家。




他通过本身拥有100%股权的Syarikat Impian Teladan Sdn Bhd。收购马来西亚矿业机构(MMC)51.8%股权,开发建设及经营东西高速大道;通过拥有绝对掌控权的贸易风控股(Tradewinds Bhd),向政府取得融资12亿,收购糖王郭鹤年的玻璃市糖厂;同时,并吞糖王手中持有的30%国家稻米局(Bernas Bhd)股权。


此外,MMC也与嘉务大(Gamuda Bhd)联手,取得总值145亿的双轨电动火车计划合约。












賽莫達商業王國主要是通過4間掛牌公司所掌控,包括其擁有51.8%股權的馬礦業(MMCCORP),目前的負債已達242億令吉;其次是他擁有55.9%股權的多元資源工業公司DRB Hicom,債務高達57億令吉。

虽然已债台高筑,但是赛莫达的胃口看来还是非常非常大!股市又传出他有意收购马来西亚铁道公司(KTM Bhd)了!每个人都知道马来西亚铁道公司在新加坡和马来西亚国内拥有非常可观的土地和资产,总值不会少过500亿!这块大肥肉如被他得手,相信又会被肢解变卖,然后统统进了朋党口袋,再然后,他对外宣布的债务可能又会进一步推高到超过400亿了!



马医生金童Dr M Golden Boys:丹斯里阿布沙希

current shareholdings:

EPMB(7773) 3.04%

JSB(5673) 17.98% *holds thru daughter, Datin Hajjah Nurhaida binti Abu Sahid










其他資產還包括位于吉隆坡市區東姑阿都拉曼路的Maju Junction購物廣場以及Maju Tower。










莫法依阿布沙希也是Sapura Kencana石油公司集團總執行長丹斯里沙禮爾三蘇丁的女婿。



他在新加坡時,也曾在日本知名的承包商五洋建設株式會社(Penta-Ocean Construction)工作,擔任起重機操作員。









他與港城飲食業集團(Oriental Group of restaurants)主席拿督蕭民贊也是合作多年的伙伴,兩人認識迄今已有30年,還共同合資經營餐館,就在旗下吉隆坡市區東姑阿都拉曼路的Maju Junction購物廣場內。






阿布沙希透露:“我的(吉隆坡往返吉隆坡國際機場)大道建竣后,南北大道有限公司將會面對20%收入損失,因為我這條大道只是42公里。他們有兩條大道可以銜接至機場,一條是新巴生谷大道(NKVE),另一條是新街場(Sungai Besi),一條長76公里,另一條78公里。”











“舉例,你若驅車前往新加坡,若在柔州巴莪(Pagoh)休息站可以吃到檳城扁擔飯(Nasi Kandar),相信會有許多人願意停下來享用。”





VIEWS are mixed on whether Tan Sri Abu Sahid Mohamed and his flagship Maju Holdings Sdn Bhd should be given the green light to take over toll highway concessionaire PLUS Malaysia Bhd.

PLUS is currently 51%-owned by UEM Group Bhd, a unit of state-controlled investment arm Khazanah Nasional Bhd. The remaining 49% is owned by the Employees Provident Fund (EPF).

In a conversation with The Edge (before the actual proposal to take over PLUS was made), Abu Sahid had said he did not know what the hue and cry was all about. “If I fail, they (the government) can take it back, and I will forgo the RM3.5 billion,” he said, before adding, “If I were them, I would pray that I don’t succeed … I don’t understand why they are so scared.”

To recap, Abu Sahid’s offer to take over PLUS entails him forking out RM3.5 billion and assuming the concessionaire’s debts of about RM30 billion.

Nevertheless, some are all for him getting the deal while others have raised questions about it.

A former merchant banker familiar with Abu Sahid and Maju says running PLUS is not rocket science, and that with the businessman’s experience in running MEX (Maju Expressways Sdn Bhd), he should have no difficulty in managing the concessionaire.

“While MEX, at 26km, is much shorter, running a highway is quite basic. Abu Sahid is taking over an operating entity, so it would be even less difficult,” he says, adding that if the businessman does away with PLUS’ many layers, there should be immediate savings.

A market observer, who was previously against Abu Sahid taking over PLUS, says she was shocked at the highway operator’s financial state. In its financial year ended Dec 31, 2017, PLUS suffered an after-tax loss of RM101.46 million on revenue of RM3.9 billion. Its liabilities totalled RM33.02 billion and its assets, RM32.43 billion. From 2013 to 2017, PLUS paid almost RM4 billion in dividends to its parent UEM Group.

As at Dec 31, 2017, the highway operator had accumulated losses of RM3.98 billion, which could be a result of its dividend payouts being more than its profits.

MEX has a 33-year concession that commenced at the tail end of 2007 to operate the 26km dual carriageway that links Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, KLIA and klia2 to Kuala Lumpur. MEX2, meanwhile, is an 18km extension that will commence at the Putrajaya Interchange and merge with the existing Lebuhraya KLIA in Sepang.

In its financial year ended Dec 31, 2017, MEX registered an after-tax profit of RM14.83 million on revenue of RM142.83 million. It had total assets of RM1.58 billion and total liabilities of RM1.5 billion. Its retained earnings stood at RM10.76 million.

A black mark for Maju has been RAM Ratings’ downgrading of Bright Focus Sdn Bhd’s RM1.35 billion sukuk to BB1 from A1. It has also been put on rating watch with a negative outlook.

“The downgrade is premised on the severe impairment in Bright Focus’ debt-servicing metrics following further unanticipated advances by its 96.8%-held subsidiary, MEX, to the ultimate parent company Maju, in addition to a deterioration in MEX’s projected annual cash flow,” RAM says in an early June report.

However, Maju executives say the advances were left pocket-right pocket transactions. Though there were sufficient funds to pay the instalments, the debt service coverage ratio was down, which impaired the credit worthiness of the company, they add.

“It’s more of a governance issue than MEX not having money,” one of the executives tells The Edge.

This raises the question as to whether Abu Sahid will ensure the requisite corporate governance practices are in place if he takes over PLUS.

In mid-2012, EP Manufacturing Bhd sought to take over MEX in a RM1.7 billion deal that entailed the former assuming the highway concessionaire’s debts as well. However, the deal was scuttled. An issue at the time was a RM976.71 million grant given to Maju to build the highway.

Back then, Abu Sahid had told The Edge that a total of RM1.65 billion had been invested in the construction and development charges of MEX, including the government grant, since 1997 but it was to keep the toll rates low for the benefit of the people and civil servants working in Putrajaya.

In a nutshell, without the government grant, the toll charges would have been very high, resulting in the highway being underutilised.

“The government gives grants for all the highways,” Abu Sahid explained in 2012.

Other than MEX, Abu Sahid owns a bus terminal in Bandar Tasek Selatan as well as 21.23% of building materials outfit Ipmuda Bhd. He holds 12.03% of Ipmuda via Maju and the rest directly.

To recap, Maju acquired 32.9% of Ipmuda from IGB Corp Bhd for RM161 million in 1997. However, Ipmuda’s market capitalisation stands at only RM33 million now.

In its nine months ended March 31, 2019, Ipmuda posted a net loss of RM4.49 million on revenue of RM78.76 million.

In conversations with The Edge in the past, Abu Sahid had explained that his acquisition of Ipmuda was aimed at assisting in the marketing of Perwaja Holdings Bhd, a steel company that was listed on 

Aug 20, 2008 — the day the businessman turned 57.

He said that before he listed Perwaja, many did not believe that he had actually turned things around at the steel company, and even questioned its accounts.

Perwaja was delisted from Bursa Malaysia on May 30, 2017, after it had languished for several years. Its last financial results announced to the local bourse was for the nine months ended March 31, 2017, where it suffered a net loss of RM181.33 million on revenue of RM296,000. It has been 19 quarters since Perwaja announced a profit, and as at March 31, 2017, it had negative reserves of RM2.65 billion.

Abu Sahid stepped down as chairman of Perwaja in July 2013.

In a previous interview, he had elaborated on the issues at Perwaja, saying that the government had wanted him to take on a strategic partner, which did not work out.

To recap, Abu Sahid was brought in to manage Perwaja in the late 1990s, much like a white knight.

Set up in 1982, Perwaja was meant to lead Malaysia into heavy industries but a shortage of steel in the country spurred the move to set up an integrated steel plant.

In 1988, the Heavy Industries Corporation of Malaysia (HICOM) disposed of Perwaja, and the task of turning it around fell on the late Tan Sri Eric Chia, the founder of UMW Holdings Bhd. However, in 1995, Chia left the company after allegations of misappropriation and was charged with criminal breach of trust in 2004. But he was acquitted.

A privatisation agreement was signed with the Maju group in 1996 but this was shelved due to the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis. The plan was revived in 2000 and completed in 2003 with Maju surfacing as Perwaja’s ultimate holding company in a deal valued at RM1.3 billion.

In 2005, as per the government’s wish, Abu Sahid says he formed an alliance with another steel producer, Kinsteel Bhd. A year later, Kinsteel bought a 51% stake in Perwaja from Maju Holdings unit, Equal Concept Sdn Bhd, for close to RM200 million.

But things were tough and Perwaja’s Kemaman plant was forced to close down in August 2013 after its energy supply was cut as the company had repeatedly missed payments to utility giant Tenaga Nasional Bbhd and Petroliam Nasional Bhd. It then lapsed into PN17 status and never recovered.

Abu Sahid wrote off more than RM700 million in Perwaja and has not sold a single personally owned share in it, as per his promise to the government.

While it remains a moot point if Perwaja would have remained profitable had Abu Sahid continued to run it, his turning it around has to be acknowledged.

Other than the above, he also has property projects with a gross development value of more than RM10 billion and various successful private businesses.

But are these enough to bag him PLUS?



达因金童Daim Golden Boys:丹斯里阿敏莎

Reportedly touted as 'Malaysia's Onassis' by former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin, Tan Sri Amin Shah Omar Shah has now been officially declared a bankrupt.

Court documents showed that the Kuala Lumpur High Court had on Oct 9 issued a bankruptcy order against Amin Shah on the back of a default on personal loans owing to Affin Bank Bhd amounting to RM3.22 million.

Apart from his personal loans, Amin Shah was also exposed to 'hundreds of millions' of debts as a result of his personal guarantee on the loans obtained by his corporate vehicle Business Focus Sdn Bhd from other major banks, sources said.

A source said Amin Shah, who is believed to be residing in Bahrain and Dubai now, was expected to file an appeal against the bankruptcy order or attempt to come to a settlement with the bank with the blessing of the Official Assignee.

The source also said that some of the lenders exposed to Amin Shah-related bad debts were still in the midst of instituting a bankruptcy order on him without knowing that he had been declared a bankrupt.

Business Focus, which is now under liquidation, had more than RM450 million of debts as at Sept 30, 1998.

Amin Shah, born 1956, was once a high-profile tycoon known for his close ties to Daim during the era of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He is also well known for his ability to speak in Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien.

Under the privatisation programme advocated by Dr Mahathir in the 1990s, Amin Shah emerged as one of the few bumiputera entrepreneurs able to secure government concessions and contracts.

In 1995, the government privatised Naval Dockyard in Lumut, Perak, to the then PSC Industries Bhd (PSCI), in which Amin Shah had a substantial stake, for RM300 million. The dockyard was then renamed PSC-Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd.

Subsequently in 1998, PSC-Naval Dockyard was awarded a mammoth RM24 billion contract to build 27 offshore patrol vessels for the Royal Malaysian Navy.

The mega privatisation project, however, turned into a major failure after PSCI failed to deliver the first fleet of six vessels. (Two vessels were built in 2005, but they failed to pass pre-delivery trials.) By that time, PSCI was already in deep financial trouble.

A series of board tussles took place at PSCI in 2005, which eventually saw Amin Shah relinquishing his executive role in the company. In early 2006, he ceased to be the chairman and director of PSCI following his absence in more than half of the board meetings held in 2005.

Following a restructuring and debt settlement scheme announced in December 2006, PSCI's mess was cleaned up and it started afresh in August 2009 with a new name, Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Bhd, 65% controlled by Boustead Holdings Bhd.

Other financially-distressed companies associated to Amin Shah included Actacorp Holdings Bhd, which was delisted from Bursa Malaysia in February 2005 after failing to regularise its debts.

He had also once helmed Setron (M) Bhd (later known as Halifax Capital Bhd, before being delisted from Bursa Malaysia as well).

Amin Shah lost his directorship in Bolton Bhd ' his last directorship in a public-listed company in the country ' in July 2009 after Bolton's shareholders voted him out of the board of the company during an AGM.

According to a source, he is currently operating his own business in Dubai.



current shareholdings:

DATAPRP(8338) 10.092%

WIDAD(0162) 38.278%

Widad Business Group Sdn Bhd, the vehicle of executive chairman Tan Sri Muhammad Ikmal Opat bin Abdullah, revised its offer by 77% to RM5.3 billion cash from RM3 billion previously for the entire stake in PLUS, buying out Khazanah and EPF.

In addition to the cash consideration, Widad Business Group also offered a waiver of RM3.04 billion in debt owed by the government as a result of toll increase compensation and debt assumption of RM30 billion, bringing the total enterprise value of the offer to RM38.34 billion.

However, it also sought an extension of an additional 20 years to the concession, ending in 2038, with toll discounts of 25% to 40%.

Widad Business Group undertook a reverse takeover of industrial labels manufacturer Ideal Jacobs (M) Corp Bhd, and changed its name to Widad Group Bhd, which has integrated facility management contracts for the palaces of various states. The Widad Group also has the facility management contract for Istana Negara, which led many to believe that it has the support of the royal families.

Apart from facility management, Muhammad Ikmal has a 64% stake in Dataprep Holdings Bhd, taking over the reins of the IT company from Datuk Lim Chee Wah, the youngest son of the late gaming tycoon Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong.

On why Widad Business Group should get PLUS, Muhammad Ikmal says, “The offer would greatly help ease the financial burden of the country, government and rakyat, in line with the nation’s aspiration. The government will benefit from RM3.03 billion in savings from compensation payments while people will benefit from significant toll reduction, thereby increasing their disposable income.

“Secondly, Widad Business Group has key strengths, both financially and in terms of capability to manage PLUS. Solid financials, with market capitalisation of about RM1.45 billion for both its listed entities, Widad Group and Dataprep Holdings, will be able to support the proposed acquisition. Capabilities in managing PLUS can be from Widad Group, which is involved in road works and maintenance.

“The public will stand to benefit with more efficient toll and traffic management with the implementation of our proposed 3S Highway — Smart, Safe and Secure — done via artificial intelligence, and leveraging Dataprep’s strategic partner SkySoar Ltd, which currently manages Guangshen Expressway, which connects Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen in the Chinese province of Guandong.”


达因金童Daim Golden Boys:丹斯里旺阿兹米

current shareholdings:

CHUAN(7016) 6.33%

L&G(3174) 0.55%

ROHAS(9741) 44.51%

SCOMIES(7045) 18.11%

Tan Sri Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah’s comeback is creating ripples because few characters in Corporate Malaysia can boast a résumé like his. He made an impression as a member of former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin’s troop of young Malay entrepreneurs in the 1970s and became prominent thereafter through his association with the minister.

Wan Azmi became CEO of Malayan Banking Bhd (MAYBANK) in 1985, an unexpected appointment given his young age and the shoes he was expected to fill. Then 35, Wan Azmi replaced Tan Sri Jaffar Hussein, who had been appointed governor of Bank Negara Malaysia. It was after his brief stint at Malaysia’s largest banking group that Wan Azmi started to make a name as entrepreneur.

His first venture was buying into loss-making sawmiller and timber trader, General Lumber (Holdings) Bhd, in 1987. He turned it into an integrated timber player with downstream businesses before transforming it into a property firm, which he named Land & General Bhd (L&G).

L&G’s first flagship development was the Bandar Sri Damansara. However, the company ran into financial trouble during the financial crisis in 1997 as its debt level ballooned to RM600 million. Wan Azmi sold his stake in 2002.

The tycoon was also involved in various listed entities, including Rashid Hussain Bhd, Gadek (Malaysia) Bhd, Malaysian Resources Corp Bhd (MRCB), Cycle & Carriage Bhd, Kretam Holdings Bhd (KRETAM) and Bumi Armada Bhd (ARMADA).

His other intriguing business moves include the acquisition of a 20% stake in Nanyang Press, which publishes Chinese language newspapers, and a 51% stake in Juara Perkasa Corp Bhd, which was eventually sold to cigarette maker RJ Reynolds.

Currently, his 30% stake in private outfit Syarikat Pengeluar Air Selangor Holdings Bhd (Splash) is one of his most notable assets. In 2000, he worked with the Selangor government and Gamuda Bhd to build a RM2.1 billion dam and two water treatment plants in Selangor.

Selangor has been involved in a long-drawn-out water assets restructuring exercise with the other stakeholders, with Wan Azmi and Gamuda unwilling to relinquish the water treatment assets to the state due to a disagreement on price.

Wan Azmi’s interests are not confined to Malaysia. He has stakes in two AIM-listed firms — Steppe Cement Ltd, a Malaysian-incorporated firm with a cement manufacturing business based in Kazakhstan, and PureCircle Ltd, which makes a plant-based sweetener.


安华金童Anwar Golden Boys:拿督依萨依斯迈



CORPORATE player Datuk Ishak Ismail has been approached to buy a stake in KNM Group Bhd, and is still mulling over the merits of an acquisition into the company. KNM is involved in project management, engineering, manufacturing and construction for the renewable energy, power, utilities, refining and petrochemical industries.

In the 1990s, Datuk Ishak Ismail controlled such companies as KFC Holdings (M) Bhd, Idris Hydraulic (M) Bhd and Parit Perak Bhd, among others, before he went below the radar later during the decade. Now, he controls Raya Airways Sdn Bhd, a restructured unit of air cargo transport company Transmile Group Bhd, which was embroiled in an accounting fraud.

Umno-linked individuals to surface?

There is also market talk that there could be individuals with links to political party Umno buying into KNM, but this is conjecture at press time. This came about after Tan Sri Zulhasnan Rafique was appointed independent non-executive chairman of KNM on Sept 17.

Zulhasnan, a lawyer, is chairman of Umno’s disciplinary board. He is a former Federal Territories minister and member of parliament for the Wangsa Maju and Setiawangsa constituencies in Kuala Lumpur.

Zulhasnan was also chairman of Umno-linked vehicles such as Realmild (M) Sdn Bhd, and was on the board of Temasek Padu Sdn Bhd, another Umno vehicle.

Apart from Zulhasnan, another appointment to the KNM board, Ho Soo Woon, also generated interest.

Ho, who is managing director and 67% shareholder of consultancy outfit Tesoro Capital Sdn Bhd, was an executive director of Kenmark Industrial Co (M) Bhd, a troubled company in which Ishak had a stake as well.

In early May, 2019, the High Court recorded a consent judgment between the Securities Commission Malaysia and Datuk Ishak Ismail, requiring him to pay a fine just shy of RM20 million to the market regulator.

The settlement, on charges of insider trading and making false or misleading statements concerning the affairs of publicly-traded Kenmark Industrial Company (M) Bhd in June 2010, has been a long drawn out affair.

Ishak, previously the largest shareholder in Kenmark (a computer workstation manufacturer which ceased operation and fell into the cash strapped Practice Note 17 status) was charged with giving misleading statements likely to induce others to buy shares in the financially stressed company.

Under the three insider trading charges, he was accused of selling  58.69 million Kenmark shares in June 2010, and of making a misleading statement between June 4 and 5, 2010, that was published in The Star newspaper on June 5, 2010.

He is reported to have said at that time that Kenmark “is a good company”.

“I checked and there is nothing wrong with the company. There is a misunderstanding,” he was quoted as saying, when asked as to why he bought into the company at a time when its share price had tumbled.

While his comments were positive on Kenmark, Ishak allegedly had possession of information that two of Kenmark’s clients had gone bankrupt, and EON Bank Bhd (since merged with Hong Leong Bank Bhd) did not agree to uplift the receivership of Kenmark as at June 8, 2010.

Kenmark’s share price was already on a downward spiral on news the company’s managing director and major shareholder James Hwang was not contactable.

Ishak took up a 32.26% stake or 57.69 million shares, and the company’s stock dived from 84 sen in early May 2010 to 26 sen on June 4 — the day Ishak made his comment on Kenmark.

By June 15, Ishak ceased to be substantial shareholder in Kenmark, and is said to have made gains of more than RM6 million.  

Subsequently, the stock tumbled to barely 6.5 sen two months later, Bloomberg data shows.

According to the charge sheet, Ishak’s statement was likely to have induced others to buy Kenmark shares, when he ought reasonably to have known that the statement was misleading in a material particular.

In 2010, the SC had obtained an order from the High Court to freeze RM4.8 million of the proceeds of the impugned trades by Ishak.

This is not the first time Ishak has been charged for violating securities law.

On July 24, 1999, Ishak, who was then a director of Idris Hydraulic (M) Bhd (IHMB), was charged for falsely disclosing in IHMB’s proposal to the SC, claiming he did not hold any shares in KFC Holdings.

The information submitted was related to IHMB’s proposed acquisition of KFC’s assets. Ishak pleaded guilty and was convicted on Aug 23, 2001 of the offence of submitting false statement to the SC and was fined RM400,000 in default six months imprisonment.

In another case related to IHMB, Ishak as a director then was charged on June 28, 2002 for abetting IHMB in misutilising RM50 million of  proceeds raised from the disposal of Kewangan Bersatu Bhd.

The amount was used for purposes other than those approved by the regulator. Ishak was compounded RM400,000 for the offence. As a result of the compound, the charge was withdrawn.

Ishak was a key figure in the shareholder tussle to garner control of KFC Holdings Bhd in the 1990s. 


达因金童Daim Golden Boys:拿督三苏丁阿布哈山













“答应过的事要做到,切莫以为可以随便唬弄了事,因为股市是一个惩罚性的市场(punitive market)。”



“当年我离开奥金、龙马(LANDMRK,1643,主要板旅店)、马冷藏(Cold Storage)有限公司时,资产负债表都是完美示人的。”

谈起陈年往事,他说,曾经为位于孟沙购物中心的Cold Storage等商店争取1令吉租金,长达21年时间。






























Datuk Samsudin Abu Hassan has been redesignated to the role of independent, non-executive chairman of Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd, from his present role of independent director.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia on 23 Oct 2018, Silver Ridge said Samsudin’s appointment takes effect from 23 Oct 2018.

Samsudin, 63, is a seasoned businessman and corporate personality, having been involved in corporate finance, investment banking, especially mergers and acquisitions, stock and equity markets in various industries and investments in Malaysia and overseas over the past 30 years.

Among others, he was a one-time executive chairman of property developer Landmarks Bhd and was also linked to Aokam Perdana Bhd, Mitrajaya Bhd , Bolton Properties Bhd, Kejora Harta Bhd and Peremba Bhd — a company linked to former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin. He was also reported then to be a protégé of Daim.


Steve Tan linked prominent Bumiputera figures--->

---> Tengku Ahmad Badli Shah bin Raja Hussin, JP

former group chief operating officer of Pelaburan Mara Bhd

---> Dato' Seri Abdul Azim bin Mohd Zabidi

former Chairman of Bank Simpanan Nasional, director of FINTEC, LYC, SEACERA, XOX

DATO’ SERI ABDUL AZIM BIN MOHD ZABIDI has a Master of Arts in Business Law from London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. He also has a professional qualification in Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators. He was a Chairman of Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), Malaysia’s National Savings Bank. He also active in the work undertaken by the Brussels based World Savings Banks Institute (WSBI). In 2000, he was appointed as a President (Asia PAcific) for WSBI and in 2003, he was elevated to its Board of Directors. He was elected as Vice President and Treasurer of WSBI from September 2006 until April 2009.

A long association with the unit trusts/mutual funds and fund management industry culminated in Dato’ Seri Abdul Azim’s election as President of the Federation of Malaysian Unit Trust Managers, a post he held from 1998 to 2003. During this period, he was appointed as a Member of the Steering Committee of the International Investment Funds Association (IIFA), Montreal, Canada, a post he held until 2008. From 2007 to 2008, Dato’ Seri Abdul Azim was elected as a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee of IIFA.

He was a member of the National Economic Consultative Council II, where he served on the Islamic Banking and Finance Committee. He was also selected by the Securities Commission to be a member of its Capital Market Advisory Council. Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad has elected him to be a member of its Index Committee and Deputy Chairman of its Board of Advisors for the Malaysian Central Depository.

Aside from his professional career, Dato’ Seri Abdul Azim has been invited to speak at numerous international on a range of subjects. Notable were speaking engagements at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C., World Economic Forum, Davos, where he was one of the founder members of the New Asian Leaders Network, Singapore Institute of International Affairs, and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand. In addition, he has been sought out by reporters from sources as diverse as the BBC and the Asian Wall Street Journal, to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the New Straits Times, for his views on current, political and economic issues.

His long involvement in sports led to his appointment as Chairman of the National Sports Institute in May 2017 until July 2018 and subsequent to that, appointed Malaysia’s Chef-de-Mission to the Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia. On 5 May, 2018, Dato’ Seri Abdul Azim was elected Deputy President of the Olympic Council of Malaysia. 

---> Dato’ Nik Ismail bin Dato’ Nik Yusoff

former States Chief Police Officer, chairman of AT, GOCEAN, PNEPCB, director of PASUKGB

Dato’ Nik Ismail joined the Police Force in 1965 and served the Police Force until his retirement on 2 September 2001 as Deputy Commissioner of Police. During his 36 years in service, he had served the Police Force well, with full commitment and professionalism. He had served in various positions in the Police Force, including Chief Police Officer in the states of Terengganu (1997), Kedah (1997 - 1999), and Selangor (1999 - 2001). He was also the Deputy Director Special Branch in Bukit Aman in 1995 to 1997.

his shareholdings:
AT(0072) 0.01%


SERBADK scandal linked Bumiputera figures-->

---> Dato' Dr. Ir. Ts. Mohd Abdul Karim bin Abdullah

current shareholdings:

SCIB(9237) 23.996%
SERBADK(5279) 2.684187%

---> Dato' Dr. Ts. Awang Daud bin Awang Putera

current shareholdings:
BORNOIL(7036) 0.44%
MINETEC(7219) 19.353%

---> Noor Azri bin Dato' Sri Noor Azerai

current shareholdings:

MGRC(0155) 2.166%

Involved Parties

In this context, let’s examine a few essential figures connected to this event:

Early Stage

2021-05-07:Change of Financial Year

SERBADK announced a change in its financial year-end date, shifting it from the originally scheduled date of December 31, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

2021-05-25:KPMG raises audit issues

SERBADK issued a statement announcing that KPMG, their external auditor, has reported certain matters related to statutory audit to the board of directors. In response, the board is taking action by appointing an independent firm for a special independent review to ensure the accuracy and validity of the reported matters.

This announcement was made on Tuesday, giving SERBADK two full days to provide further clarification before the public holiday of Wesak Day on Wednesday.

2021-05-26:KPOWER (now renamed RENEUCO) issues a statement to clarify its relationship

On May 26th, KPOWER, a stock associated with SERBADK CEO Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah, released a statement clarifying that the company operates independently and is a separate entity from SERBADK. Despite sharing a major shareholder and director in Datuk Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah, the two companies have no operational connection.

2021-05-27:Trading in the stock has been suspended

SERBADK failed to clarify or explain the situation until Thursday morning before the market opened, instead only applying for a trading halt with BURSA. The company finally issued a clarification on Friday, and requested an additional day’s trading halt.

Within a few short days, analysts from major investment banks swiftly slashed SERBADK’s target price. Furthermore, several internationally renowned rating agencies/organizations began downgrading SERBADK’s bond credit ratings, including S&P Global Ratings, which lowered SERBADK’s credit rating from “B+” to “B-” and put it on the watchlist.

In response to the situation, some local funds and relevant organizations have come out to voice their concerns. For example, Minority Shareholder Watchdog Group (MSWG) called on small shareholders to oppose the proposal to replace KPMG.

SERBADK downgraded by banks

2021-05-28:Notice from major shareholder and Bursa Malaysia

After the market closed at 5 pm, the company finally released a statement that the Board of Directors had received a special notice from Datuk Haji Abdul Kadier Sahib, a non-independent non-executive director holding 15.96% of the shares, proposing several matters, with the following key points:

  • Calling for an extraordinary general meeting
  • Dismissing KPMG PLT as the company’s auditor
  • Appointing BDO PLT as the new auditor

Meanwhile, on the same day, Bursa Malaysia raised several questions to SERBADK regarding KPMG’s concerns and demanded a response from the company:

2021-05-29:CEO holds press conference

During a press conference, Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah, the Group Managing Director and CEO of SERBADK, clarified and disclosed that “KPMG had informed the independent directors about the audit issues before informing the management. However, since independent directors were not involved in the group’s daily operations, they could not provide an explanation for the auditor’s report.”

He further explained that the auditors had informed the independent directors about the issues in mid-April of this year, but management was only informed on May 3, which was close to the deadline for the group to submit its annual report. He considered this delay in informing management to be “unusual.”

2021-05-31:Trading resumed

Trading in SERBADK stocks resumed the next day at 9 am, but the stock price immediately hit the limit down, falling 30% with over 1.3 million sellers queued up to sell.

The stock price opened on Tuesday with another limit down to 0.795, rebounded to 0.98 during trading, but ultimately closed at 0.835 due to heavy selling pressure.

That day, SERBADK also issued a statement clarifying that it was not the company or the board of directors who had requested the “termination of external auditor KPMG,” but rather the company’s major shareholder – Datuk Haji Abdul Kadier Sahib (also a non-independent non-executive director). Additionally, the company would continue to carry out a special independent review plan to assess the truthfulness and accuracy of the matter.

2021-06-02:Major shareholder withdraws proposal

Datuk Haji Abdul Kadier Sahib requested the withdrawal of his “special proposal to remove the auditor and appoint a new auditor.”

2021-06-03:Shareholders sell/buy back stocks

In response to the events, Dato Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah and Datuk Haji Abdul Kadier Sahib bought 5 million shares each at the low stock price to prove the company’s innocence, while KWAP immediately sold its stocks and exited the major shareholder position.

EPF slowly reduced its holdings of SERBADK stocks, as it was still a major shareholder with a 9.917% stake. The stock price had fallen from 1.6 to 0.65, resulting in a 60% loss, until it was successfully delisted from the major shareholder position on June 25.

2021-06-09:Awang sells stocks

Dato Awang Daud bin Awang Putera, co-founder of SERBADK, began selling his shares in the company on June 9th due to a margin call, while expressing unwavering confidence in the company.

2021-06-14:Appointment of independent auditor and new directors

In response to concerns raised by KPMG, SERBADK announced the tentative appointment of EY as an independent auditor to verify the accuracy of the issues highlighted.

2021-06-17:Appointment of 3 new independent directors + Chairman resigns + The Edge report

The company appointed three highly experienced independent directors, alongside Dato’ Mohamed Ilyas Bin Pakeer Mohamed as the independent non-executive chairman, to oversee its operations.

In the meantime, Dato’ Mohamed Nor Bin Abu Bakar resigned as chairman on June 17th, citing personal reasons. The Edge’s “Cover Story: Serba Dinamik in the Eye of the Storm”, article highlighted various issues with SERBADK, which the company immediately refuted.

2021-06-22:First lawsuit filed (KPMG)

SERBADK filed a lawsuit against KPMG, alleging misconduct that resulted in a market value loss of MYR4.9 billion and seeking substantial damages. Two days later, KPMG resigned as the external auditor.

Mid Stage

2021-06-25:MICG’s views + resignation of independent directors + release of financial results

The Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG) has deemed the decision by SERBADK to sue KPMG as “unusual.”

Additionally, all four independent directors of the company have resigned due to their disagreement with the decision to sue KPMG. Newly appointed independent director, Puan Masleena Binti Zaid, also resigned due to personal reasons after serving for only two weeks.

Following the series of events, SERBADK released its financial results on June 25th, showing a more than 40% decrease in revenue and profit compared to the previous quarter.

2021-06-28:Bursa Malaysia questions SERBADK on progress of independent auditor

Bursa Malaysia has issued a query regarding the outcome of the appointment of the independent reviewer. SERBADK’s response is that EY has agreed to take on the role, subject to KPMG’s written agreement and willingness to provide necessary information.

EY has also set forth four conditions, including:

  1. The ability to freely inquire with KPMG for information and confirmation related to disputed transactions and other issues
  2. The need for the Securities Commission and Bursa Malaysia to be closely involved in and supervise the independent review
  3. The independent review will report to the company’s independent directors
  4. The scope of the review will be consistent with that previously agreed upon by the independent directors and BURSA.

2021-06-29:Bursa Malaysia directs appointment of independent auditor

Bursa Malaysia has instructed SERBADK to appoint an independent reviewer by July 2nd or face action.

2021-06-30:EPF exits major shareholder position, pressuring the controlling shareholder

After EPF reduced its stake in SERBADK, it is no longer a major shareholder, and major shareholders Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah and Awang Daud also faced margin calls on nearly 2% of their stocks.

2021-07-02:EY officially appointed as auditor

Finally, SERBADK officially appointed EY as the independent reviewer.

2021-07-07:Appointment of two independent directors

On July 7, the company appointed two new independent non-executive directors to the board, Datuk Seri Haji Mohamed Farid Bin Abu Hassan, former director-general of the National Police’s political department, and Puan Siti Zaleha Binti Sulaiman, director of AIMFLEX.

2021-07-26:Appointment of new external auditor

After receiving KPMG’s approval, SERBADK appointed Nexia SSY PLT as its new external auditor.

2021-08-23:Second lawsuit filed(KLSE Screener)

A month later, SERBADK and its CEO Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah sued Lim Kai Yang, the operator of KLSE Screener, because one of its users impersonated Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah and posted false and defamatory comments.

2021-10-22:Bursa Malaysia orders SERBADK to disclose results, forcing a trading halt

On October 22, 2021, Bursa Malaysia forced a trading halt on SERBADK and its warrants, and ordered SERBADK to disclose the findings of the special independent review by October 26, 2021, or the trading halt would continue until the review was completed.

Of course, there is a reason for everything, and Bursa Malaysia did this because the latest findings of the special independent review were conveyed to three of the independent non-executive directors earlier on Thursday, October 21, and Bursa Malaysia had to do so to protect the shareholders.

2021-10-26:SERBADK issues an explanation

SERBADK has explained that they do not possess the document containing the updated facts of the Special Independent Review (SIR) as of September 30, 2021, and that EY is still conducting the SIR. However, the Malaysian Stock Exchange has expressed its frustration with SERBADK’s constant delays and has announced that the trading of SERBADK’s securities will remain suspended until the company complies with the directive to announce the results of the SIR investigation.

2021-11-03:SCIB is also forced into a trading halt

SCIB was forced to suspend trading and received a warning from the Malaysian Stock Exchange due to their failure to submit their annual report on time. If the FY21 annual report was not submitted by November 8, trading would have been halted and the company would have been delisted if the annual report was not submitted within six months. Fortunately, SCIB submitted its annual report on January 17, 2022, and trading resumed on January 19, 2022, two months later.

Note: SCIB is the second company under Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah’s umbrella to be suspended by the Malaysian Stock Exchange for violating rules.

2021-11-08:Third lawsuit filed(Bursa Malaysia)

Five days later, SERBADK filed a lawsuit against Bursa Malaysia for acting “beyond its powers” and applied for a temporary injunction to prohibit the exchange from issuing announcements and to request the group to provide the independent investigation results prepared by EY.

2021-11-10:Fourth lawsuit filed(EY)

However, things took a bizarre turn when SERBADK decided to sue EY, the independent reviewer appointed by the company, just two days later, following similar actions against KPMG, KLSE SCREENER, and Bursa Malaysia. The company alleged that EY was unsuitable for the role because: it was not registered with the Audit Oversight Board, made false claims about its appointment, lacked independence due to its subsidiary’s role as Bursa Malaysia’s auditor, and provided a “fact-finding update” to the Securities Commission without SERBADK’s consent.

  • EY is not suitable to be appointed as an independent reviewer because it is not registered with the Audit Oversight Board.
  • EY made false statements claiming that it can be appointed as an auditor under sections 2.23 and 2.24 of the MMLR.
  • EY’s subsidiary is the auditor of Bursa Malaysia, so it lacks independence.
  • EY provided a “fact-finding update” to the Securities Commission without the consent of SERBADK, in violation of the promises made in the appointment agreement and without complying with any professional standards.

Late Stage

2021-11-11:The Edge reports missed bond interest payments + the lawsuit fails

In response to an article in The Edge titled “Serba Dinamik misses coupon payment for US$300m sukuk”, Bursa Malaysia demanded a clarification announcement from SERBADK. The company assured that it still had 30 days to complete the payment and guarantees to complete the payment. The following is SERBADK’s clarification announcement:

Despite SERBADK’s attempts to block the release of the investigation report, the Kuala Lumpur High Court rejected the company’s application for a temporary injunction against Bursa Malaysia and EY.

2021-11-23:Bursa Malaysia demands SERBADK to disclose results

Bursa Malaysia cited the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 and issued a subpoena to SERBADK, ordering the company to immediately disclose the special independent review report as of September 30.

Subsequently, on November 30, Bursa Malaysia sought a court order to compel SERBADK to disclose the latest situation of the Special Investigation Report (SIR), which involves several concerns raised by independent auditor EY and former external auditor KPMG about questionable accounting amounts of up to RM1.438 billion.

2021-11-24:Two independent directors resign over disagreements with Bursa Malaysia

During this period, Serba Dinamik’s newly appointed independent non-executive chairman, Dato Mohamed Ilyas Bin Pakeer Mohamed, and independent non-executive director, Encik Johan Bin Mohamed Ishak, resigned in protest against Bursa Malaysia’s order for Serba Dinamik to disclose the findings of its independent review (SIR), both of whom joined the board in mid-June.

2021-11-25:Request for delayed annual report and appointment of new directors

The next day, Serba Dinamik requested another extension for the release of its annual report, but was denied by Bursa Malaysia as authorities had already allowed the company to extend the deadline from October 31, 2021, to November 30, 2021, a month earlier. Bursa Malaysia’s stance was also very firm, warning Serba Dinamik that if it failed to submit its annual report within six months, it would face delisting.

The company appointed two new independent directors, Encik Abu Bakar Bin Uzir and Encik Noor Azri Bin Dato’ Sri Noor Azerai. Noor Azri, despite being only 22 years old, is already a director of two listed companies.

2021-12-10:Inability to pay bond interest

On December 10, The Edge published another news article titled “Serba Dinamik’s subsidiary defaults on bond coupon payment”, prompting Bursa Malaysia to immediately demand that Serba Dinamik issue a clarification statement as defaulting on bond interest payments is a significant matter that could impact foreign investors’ and traders’ confidence in the Malaysian stock market.

Unfortunately, Serba Dinamik’s management “generously” admitted that it could not pay the interest on the US$6 million bond, which directly led to Bursa Malaysia announcing: “Serba Dinamik’s subsidiary defaults on the Islamic bond’s interest payment due on December 9, 2021, triggering the PN17 criteria. However, Serba Dinamik will not be classified as PN17 temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic relief measures approved by Bursa Malaysia.”

2021-12-14:Mohd Karim resigns from KPOWER position

Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah resigned from his position as the independent non-executive chairman of KPOWER, resulting in the company’s stock price rebounding by 36.59%.

2021-12-20:Chairman and directors resign in protest against regulatory body

Two newly appointed chairmen and directors resigned at the same time, citing “biased regulatory prosecution aimed towards the company.”

2021-12-28:SC charges SERBADK

The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) has charged SERBADK and its officials with submitting false information to the Malaysian Stock Exchange, which could result in a fine of no less than RM3 million or imprisonment of up to 10 years, or both.

2022-01-06:SERBADK officially enters PN17 category

SERBADK has finally released its 2021 annual report. However, the company’s external auditor Nexia SSY PLT stated “cannot express an opinion” in the company’s audited financial statements, causing SERBADK to enter the PN17 company list. However, SERBADK’s stock trading remains suspended as the company has not complied with the Malaysian Stock Exchange’s directive to release the “Findings of Facts Investigation (SIR).”

2022-02-07:Investigation findings (FFU) disclosed

The High Court has ordered SERBADK to disclose an updated Findings of Facts Investigation (FFU), a document prepared and created by EY, which the company must publish by Wednesday, February 9, 2022.

Under court pressure, SERBADK has finally disclosed the 26-page document, which directly proves that the company falsified its accounts. Those interested can download and read it.



After months of legal battles, the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) fined SERBADK and four senior management members RM3 million each for submitting false information involving RM6.01 billion (previously flagged by KPMG).

Note that RM3 million is the maximum amount allowed for the fine.

This has caused a lot of dissatisfaction among investors as falsifying accounts is a serious matter. Many investors have suffered huge losses due to this company, which could even lead to a loss of confidence in Malaysia’s stock market by foreign investors and investors. The Edge also published a news article, “Cover Story 2: Capital market players question decision to compound Serba Dinamik four,” about the views of these major players on the incident.

Coincidentally, the SC chairman and three high-ranking members resigned after the verdict, although the reason remains unknown. Could it be related to this sentence?

2022-05-09:Trading resumes after suspension

After a seven-month suspension, SERBADK’s securities trading resumed on May 9, 2022, at 9 a.m. Due to the uncertainty surrounding SERBADK, brokers required investors to “prepay cash” to purchase its shares. The stock price fell from 0.35 to a low of 0.06 before rebounding.

2022-08-24:Forced liquidation is ordered

As SERBADK was unable to repay its debt and interest, the court appointed an interim liquidator to help SERBADK begin liquidation to repay its debt and interest. This is the story of SERBADK, a fallen company that chose to falsify its accounts.


'Scammer Stocks' linked Bumiputera figures--->

---> Tan Sri Muhammad Ikmal Opat bin Abdullah

current shareholdings:

DATAPRP(833) 10.092%
WIDAD(0162) 38.149%

Dataprep Holdings Bhd merupakan Syarikat dikuasai  Widad Group Bhd milik Tan Sri Muhamad Ikmal Opat. Widad Group seringkali dikaitkan ‘saham scammer’ melalui pengumuman projek mereka namun akhirnya tidak dilaksanakan. Berita-berita hanya bertujuan untuk ‘menggoreng’ sahamnya.

Datuk Mohd Rizal Mohd Jaafar Pengerusi bebas bukan eksekutif Dataprep Holdings Bhd sekarang Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Group Widad Bhd.

Mei lalu pengarah anak syarikatnya Syed Zafran Syed Ahmad terpalit kes rasuah Datuk Stephen Sim Choo Thiam kroni Hamzah Zainudin bekas Menteri Dalam Negeri didakwa di Mahkamah Sesyen atas pertuduhan meminta dan menerima rasuah berjumlah RM15 juta bagi mendapatkan projek agensi di bawah Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) pada 2021.

Dataprep Holdings Bhd syarikat menjalankan perniagaan berasaskan Teknologi Maklumat/Digital pernah bekerjasama dengan Asia Coding Centre Sdn Bhd untuk rakan strategik kepada Dataprep Holdings Bhd bagi Cadangan Projek “COVID-19 RT-PCR Screening” oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia dengan penubuhan sebuah anak syarikat baharu, Dataprep Asia Sdn Bhd.

Laporan Tahunan 2021 Syarikat Dataprep Holdings Bhd mengumumkan pengambilalihan saham sebanyak 51 peratus oleh Dataprep Holdings Bhd ke atas dua buah anak syarikat yang pada asalnya dimiliki oleh Asia Coding Centre Sdn Bhd, bagi cadangan Projek “COVID-19 RT-PCR Screening” di mana Syed Zafran Syed Ahmad merupakan pengarah asal syarikat-syarikat berkenaan.

